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萬人點閱泰國豆花妹變態小吃事業線庭妮外星生物翁滋蔓星座小櫻-狂殺無名內衣公主.性感美人 甜心公主 內衣特賣會!想換內在美的美眉們注意囉.有漂亮妹妹照歐 *每日萬人點閱-資展狂殺!加購任選送---團購優惠★福利共享-----------GF1餅乾鏡組五色齊免兩Vito 立體耳機12/4 兩入2682R 牛皮包每日萬人點閱草莓粉刺淨空組熱賣美妝物Ann’S雙釦帶及膝長靴iPhone432G台灣版VIZIO 42吋LG IPS面板HTC Desire HDAndroid2.2---------etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品

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萬人點閱泰國豆花妹變態小吃事業線庭妮外星生物翁滋蔓星座小櫻-狂殺無名內衣公主.性感美人 甜心公主 內衣特賣會!想換內在美的美眉們注意囉.有漂亮妹妹照歐 *每日萬人點閱-資展狂殺!加購任選送---團購優惠★福利共享-----------GF1餅乾鏡組五色齊免兩Vito 立體耳機12/4 兩入2682R 牛皮包每日萬人點閱草莓粉刺淨空組熱賣美妝物Ann’S雙釦帶及膝長靴iPhone432G台灣版VIZIO 42吋LG IPS面板HTC Desire HDAndroid2.2---------etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品

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萬人點閱泰國豆花妹變態小吃事業線庭妮外星生物翁滋蔓星座小櫻-狂殺無名內衣公主.性感美人 甜心公主 內衣特賣會!想換內在美的美眉們注意囉.有漂亮妹妹照歐 *每日萬人點閱-資展狂殺!加購任選送---團購優惠★福利共享-----------GF1餅乾鏡組五色齊免兩Vito 立體耳機12/4 兩入2682R 牛皮包每日萬人點閱草莓粉刺淨空組熱賣美妝物Ann’S雙釦帶及膝長靴iPhone432G台灣版VIZIO 42吋LG IPS面板HTC Desire HDAndroid2.2---------etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品

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【Rolian】刺繡戀心 B-E罩杯 (粉紅色)


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二哥 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

萬人點閱泰國豆花妹變態小吃事業線庭妮外星生物翁滋蔓星座小櫻-狂殺無名內衣公主.性感美人 甜心公主 內衣特賣會!想換內在美的美眉們注意囉.有漂亮妹妹照歐 *每日萬人點閱-資展狂殺!加購任選送---團購優惠★福利共享-----------GF1餅乾鏡組五色齊免兩Vito 立體耳機12/4 兩入2682R 牛皮包每日萬人點閱草莓粉刺淨空組熱賣美妝物Ann’S雙釦帶及膝長靴iPhone432G台灣版VIZIO 42吋LG IPS面板HTC Desire HDAndroid2.2---------etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品

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萬人點閱泰國豆花妹變態小吃事業線庭妮外星生物翁滋蔓星座小櫻-狂殺無名內衣公主.性感美人 甜心公主 內衣特賣會!想換內在美的美眉們注意囉.有漂亮妹妹照歐 *每日萬人點閱-資展狂殺!加購任選送---團購優惠★福利共享-----------GF1餅乾鏡組五色齊免兩Vito 立體耳機12/4 兩入2682R 牛皮包每日萬人點閱草莓粉刺淨空組熱賣美妝物Ann’S雙釦帶及膝長靴iPhone432G台灣版VIZIO 42吋LG IPS面板HTC Desire HDAndroid2.2---------etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品

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二哥 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

萬人點閱泰國豆花妹變態小吃事業線庭妮外星生物翁滋蔓星座小櫻-狂殺無名內衣公主.性感美人 甜心公主 內衣特賣會!想換內在美的美眉們注意囉.有漂亮妹妹照歐 *每日萬人點閱-資展狂殺!加購任選送---團購優惠★福利共享-----------GF1餅乾鏡組五色齊免兩Vito 立體耳機12/4 兩入2682R 牛皮包每日萬人點閱草莓粉刺淨空組熱賣美妝物Ann’S雙釦帶及膝長靴iPhone432G台灣版VIZIO 42吋LG IPS面板HTC Desire HDAndroid2.2---------etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品

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*每日萬人點閱-資展狂殺!加購任選送---團購優惠★福利共享-----------GF1餅乾鏡組五色齊免兩Vito 立體耳機12/4 兩入2682R 牛皮包每日萬人點閱草莓粉刺淨空組熱賣美妝物Ann’S雙釦帶及膝長靴iPhone432G台灣版VIZIO 42吋LG IPS面板HTC Desire HDAndroid2.2---------etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品


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etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: 0982104@gmail.com etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活

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萬人點閱泰國豆花妹變態小吃事業線庭妮外星生物翁滋蔓星座小櫻-狂殺無名內衣公主.性感美人 甜心公主 內衣特賣會!想換內在美的美眉們注意囉.有漂亮妹妹照歐 *每日萬人點閱-資展狂殺!加購任選送---團購優惠★福利共享-----------GF1餅乾鏡組五色齊免兩Vito 立體耳機12/4 兩入2682R 牛皮包每日萬人點閱草莓粉刺淨空組熱賣美妝物Ann’S雙釦帶及膝長靴iPhone432G台灣版VIZIO 42吋LG IPS面板HTC Desire HDAndroid2.2---------etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品

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etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: 0982104@gmail.com etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活





★分類熱銷榜推薦專區,每日好康*一日流血必搶↘ ★分類熱銷榜推薦專區,每日好康*一日流血必搶↘ ★分類熱銷榜推薦專區,每日好康*一日流血必搶↘ ★分類熱銷榜推薦專區,每日好康*一日流血必搶↘

etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: 0982104@gmail.com etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活

【Rolian】刺繡戀心 B-E罩杯 (粉紅色)


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etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: 0982104@gmail.com etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活

*每日萬人點閱-資展狂殺!加購任選送---團購優惠★福利共享-----------GF1餅乾鏡組五色齊免兩Vito 立體耳機12/4 兩入2682R 牛皮包每日萬人點閱草莓粉刺淨空組熱賣美妝物Ann’S雙釦帶及膝長靴iPhone432G台灣版VIZIO 42吋LG IPS面板HTC Desire HDAndroid2.2---------etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品


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etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: 0982104@gmail.com etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活

*每日萬人點閱-資展狂殺!加購任選送---團購優惠★福利共享-----------GF1餅乾鏡組五色齊免兩Vito 立體耳機12/4 兩入2682R 牛皮包每日萬人點閱草莓粉刺淨空組熱賣美妝物Ann’S雙釦帶及膝長靴iPhone432G台灣版VIZIO 42吋LG IPS面板HTC Desire HDAndroid2.2---------etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品


★分類熱銷榜推薦專區,每日好康*一日流血必搶↘ ★分類熱銷榜推薦專區,每日好康*一日流血必搶↘ ★分類熱銷榜推薦專區,每日好康*一日流血必搶↘ ★分類熱銷榜推薦專區,每日好康*一日流血必搶↘

etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: 0982104@gmail.com etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活

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In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25) Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25)

二哥 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

amazon.com MP3 Holiday Store Get into the Holiday spirit with the Nettwerk Holiday Sampler 2010 featuring Christmas tunes from Sixpence None the Richer, Butterfly Boucher, and more, available free for a limited time. ›Deck the halls Must-Have Holiday Music CDs We've lowered prices on holiday music, greatest hits, deluxe editions, and box set CDs. You'll find hundreds of choices in our Music Gift Store across many different genres. ›Shop our Music Gift Store now MP3 Playlists: Hanukkah Hits Light a candle, spin your dreidel, and explore this playlist of festive Hanukkah hits. ›Get festive Bestsellers MP3 Downloads : MP3 Holiday Store MP3 Albums - Updated hourly Play all samples Now playing Now playing: Sample 1. The 99 Most Essential Christmas Masterpieces (Amazon… ›Various Artists | Format: MP3 Download $1.99 Sample 2. I Wish You A Merry Christmas ›Bing Crosby | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 3. Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album ›Glee Cast | Format: MP3 Download $9.99 Sample 4. Christmas With The Rat Pack ›Rat Pack | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 5. Noel ›Josh Groban | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 6. A Christmas Cornucopia ›Annie Lennox | Format: MP3 Download $4.99 Sample 7. Gold And Green ›Sugarland | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 8. Let It Snow! (Bonus Live Track) ›Michael Bublé | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 9. A Charlie Brown Christmas [Expanded] ›Vince Guaraldi Trio | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 10. A Christmas Together ›John Denver & The Muppets | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 ›See all bestsellers in MP3 Holiday Store Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25) Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25)

二哥 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

amazon.com MP3 Holiday Store Get into the Holiday spirit with the Nettwerk Holiday Sampler 2010 featuring Christmas tunes from Sixpence None the Richer, Butterfly Boucher, and more, available free for a limited time. ›Deck the halls Must-Have Holiday Music CDs We've lowered prices on holiday music, greatest hits, deluxe editions, and box set CDs. You'll find hundreds of choices in our Music Gift Store across many different genres. ›Shop our Music Gift Store now MP3 Playlists: Hanukkah Hits Light a candle, spin your dreidel, and explore this playlist of festive Hanukkah hits. ›Get festive Bestsellers MP3 Downloads : MP3 Holiday Store MP3 Albums - Updated hourly Play all samples Now playing Now playing: Sample 1. The 99 Most Essential Christmas Masterpieces (Amazon… ›Various Artists | Format: MP3 Download $1.99 Sample 2. I Wish You A Merry Christmas ›Bing Crosby | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 3. Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album ›Glee Cast | Format: MP3 Download $9.99 Sample 4. Christmas With The Rat Pack ›Rat Pack | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 5. Noel ›Josh Groban | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 6. A Christmas Cornucopia ›Annie Lennox | Format: MP3 Download $4.99 Sample 7. Gold And Green ›Sugarland | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 8. Let It Snow! (Bonus Live Track) ›Michael Bublé | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 9. A Charlie Brown Christmas [Expanded] ›Vince Guaraldi Trio | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 10. A Christmas Together ›John Denver & The Muppets | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 ›See all bestsellers in MP3 Holiday Store Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25) Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25)

二哥 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

amazon.com MP3 Holiday Store Get into the Holiday spirit with the Nettwerk Holiday Sampler 2010 featuring Christmas tunes from Sixpence None the Richer, Butterfly Boucher, and more, available free for a limited time. ›Deck the halls Must-Have Holiday Music CDs We've lowered prices on holiday music, greatest hits, deluxe editions, and box set CDs. You'll find hundreds of choices in our Music Gift Store across many different genres. ›Shop our Music Gift Store now MP3 Playlists: Hanukkah Hits Light a candle, spin your dreidel, and explore this playlist of festive Hanukkah hits. ›Get festive Bestsellers MP3 Downloads : MP3 Holiday Store MP3 Albums - Updated hourly Play all samples Now playing Now playing: Sample 1. The 99 Most Essential Christmas Masterpieces (Amazon… ›Various Artists | Format: MP3 Download $1.99 Sample 2. I Wish You A Merry Christmas ›Bing Crosby | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 3. Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album ›Glee Cast | Format: MP3 Download $9.99 Sample 4. Christmas With The Rat Pack ›Rat Pack | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 5. Noel ›Josh Groban | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 6. A Christmas Cornucopia ›Annie Lennox | Format: MP3 Download $4.99 Sample 7. Gold And Green ›Sugarland | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 8. Let It Snow! (Bonus Live Track) ›Michael Bublé | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 9. A Charlie Brown Christmas [Expanded] ›Vince Guaraldi Trio | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 10. A Christmas Together ›John Denver & The Muppets | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 ›See all bestsellers in MP3 Holiday Store Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25) Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25)

二哥 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

amazon.com MP3 Holiday Store Get into the Holiday spirit with the Nettwerk Holiday Sampler 2010 featuring Christmas tunes from Sixpence None the Richer, Butterfly Boucher, and more, available free for a limited time. ›Deck the halls Must-Have Holiday Music CDs We've lowered prices on holiday music, greatest hits, deluxe editions, and box set CDs. You'll find hundreds of choices in our Music Gift Store across many different genres. ›Shop our Music Gift Store now MP3 Playlists: Hanukkah Hits Light a candle, spin your dreidel, and explore this playlist of festive Hanukkah hits. ›Get festive Bestsellers MP3 Downloads : MP3 Holiday Store MP3 Albums - Updated hourly Play all samples Now playing Now playing: Sample 1. The 99 Most Essential Christmas Masterpieces (Amazon… ›Various Artists | Format: MP3 Download $1.99 Sample 2. I Wish You A Merry Christmas ›Bing Crosby | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 3. Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album ›Glee Cast | Format: MP3 Download $9.99 Sample 4. Christmas With The Rat Pack ›Rat Pack | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 5. Noel ›Josh Groban | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 6. A Christmas Cornucopia ›Annie Lennox | Format: MP3 Download $4.99 Sample 7. Gold And Green ›Sugarland | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 8. Let It Snow! (Bonus Live Track) ›Michael Bublé | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 9. A Charlie Brown Christmas [Expanded] ›Vince Guaraldi Trio | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 10. A Christmas Together ›John Denver & The Muppets | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 ›See all bestsellers in MP3 Holiday Store Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25) Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25)

二哥 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

amazon.com MP3 Holiday Store Get into the Holiday spirit with the Nettwerk Holiday Sampler 2010 featuring Christmas tunes from Sixpence None the Richer, Butterfly Boucher, and more, available free for a limited time. ›Deck the halls Must-Have Holiday Music CDs We've lowered prices on holiday music, greatest hits, deluxe editions, and box set CDs. You'll find hundreds of choices in our Music Gift Store across many different genres. ›Shop our Music Gift Store now MP3 Playlists: Hanukkah Hits Light a candle, spin your dreidel, and explore this playlist of festive Hanukkah hits. ›Get festive Bestsellers MP3 Downloads : MP3 Holiday Store MP3 Albums - Updated hourly Play all samples Now playing Now playing: Sample 1. The 99 Most Essential Christmas Masterpieces (Amazon… ›Various Artists | Format: MP3 Download $1.99 Sample 2. I Wish You A Merry Christmas ›Bing Crosby | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 3. Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album ›Glee Cast | Format: MP3 Download $9.99 Sample 4. Christmas With The Rat Pack ›Rat Pack | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 5. Noel ›Josh Groban | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 6. A Christmas Cornucopia ›Annie Lennox | Format: MP3 Download $4.99 Sample 7. Gold And Green ›Sugarland | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 8. Let It Snow! (Bonus Live Track) ›Michael Bublé | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 9. A Charlie Brown Christmas [Expanded] ›Vince Guaraldi Trio | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 10. A Christmas Together ›John Denver & The Muppets | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 ›See all bestsellers in MP3 Holiday Store Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25) Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25)

二哥 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

amazon.com MP3 Holiday Store Get into the Holiday spirit with the Nettwerk Holiday Sampler 2010 featuring Christmas tunes from Sixpence None the Richer, Butterfly Boucher, and more, available free for a limited time. ›Deck the halls Must-Have Holiday Music CDs We've lowered prices on holiday music, greatest hits, deluxe editions, and box set CDs. You'll find hundreds of choices in our Music Gift Store across many different genres. ›Shop our Music Gift Store now MP3 Playlists: Hanukkah Hits Light a candle, spin your dreidel, and explore this playlist of festive Hanukkah hits. ›Get festive Bestsellers MP3 Downloads : MP3 Holiday Store MP3 Albums - Updated hourly Play all samples Now playing Now playing: Sample 1. The 99 Most Essential Christmas Masterpieces (Amazon… ›Various Artists | Format: MP3 Download $1.99 Sample 2. I Wish You A Merry Christmas ›Bing Crosby | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 3. Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album ›Glee Cast | Format: MP3 Download $9.99 Sample 4. Christmas With The Rat Pack ›Rat Pack | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 5. Noel ›Josh Groban | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 6. A Christmas Cornucopia ›Annie Lennox | Format: MP3 Download $4.99 Sample 7. Gold And Green ›Sugarland | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 8. Let It Snow! (Bonus Live Track) ›Michael Bublé | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 9. A Charlie Brown Christmas [Expanded] ›Vince Guaraldi Trio | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 10. A Christmas Together ›John Denver & The Muppets | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 ›See all bestsellers in MP3 Holiday Store Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25) Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25)

二哥 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

amazon.com MP3 Holiday Store Get into the Holiday spirit with the Nettwerk Holiday Sampler 2010 featuring Christmas tunes from Sixpence None the Richer, Butterfly Boucher, and more, available free for a limited time. ›Deck the halls Must-Have Holiday Music CDs We've lowered prices on holiday music, greatest hits, deluxe editions, and box set CDs. You'll find hundreds of choices in our Music Gift Store across many different genres. ›Shop our Music Gift Store now MP3 Playlists: Hanukkah Hits Light a candle, spin your dreidel, and explore this playlist of festive Hanukkah hits. ›Get festive Bestsellers MP3 Downloads : MP3 Holiday Store MP3 Albums - Updated hourly Play all samples Now playing Now playing: Sample 1. The 99 Most Essential Christmas Masterpieces (Amazon… ›Various Artists | Format: MP3 Download $1.99 Sample 2. I Wish You A Merry Christmas ›Bing Crosby | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 3. Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album ›Glee Cast | Format: MP3 Download $9.99 Sample 4. Christmas With The Rat Pack ›Rat Pack | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 5. Noel ›Josh Groban | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 6. A Christmas Cornucopia ›Annie Lennox | Format: MP3 Download $4.99 Sample 7. Gold And Green ›Sugarland | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 8. Let It Snow! (Bonus Live Track) ›Michael Bublé | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 9. A Charlie Brown Christmas [Expanded] ›Vince Guaraldi Trio | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 10. A Christmas Together ›John Denver & The Muppets | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 ›See all bestsellers in MP3 Holiday Store Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25) Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25)

二哥 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

amazon.com MP3 Holiday Store Get into the Holiday spirit with the Nettwerk Holiday Sampler 2010 featuring Christmas tunes from Sixpence None the Richer, Butterfly Boucher, and more, available free for a limited time. ›Deck the halls Must-Have Holiday Music CDs We've lowered prices on holiday music, greatest hits, deluxe editions, and box set CDs. You'll find hundreds of choices in our Music Gift Store across many different genres. ›Shop our Music Gift Store now MP3 Playlists: Hanukkah Hits Light a candle, spin your dreidel, and explore this playlist of festive Hanukkah hits. ›Get festive Bestsellers MP3 Downloads : MP3 Holiday Store MP3 Albums - Updated hourly Play all samples Now playing Now playing: Sample 1. The 99 Most Essential Christmas Masterpieces (Amazon… ›Various Artists | Format: MP3 Download $1.99 Sample 2. I Wish You A Merry Christmas ›Bing Crosby | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 3. Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album ›Glee Cast | Format: MP3 Download $9.99 Sample 4. Christmas With The Rat Pack ›Rat Pack | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 5. Noel ›Josh Groban | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 6. A Christmas Cornucopia ›Annie Lennox | Format: MP3 Download $4.99 Sample 7. Gold And Green ›Sugarland | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 8. Let It Snow! (Bonus Live Track) ›Michael Bublé | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 9. A Charlie Brown Christmas [Expanded] ›Vince Guaraldi Trio | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 10. A Christmas Together ›John Denver & The Muppets | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 ›See all bestsellers in MP3 Holiday Store Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25) Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25)

二哥 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

amazon.com MP3 Holiday Store Get into the Holiday spirit with the Nettwerk Holiday Sampler 2010 featuring Christmas tunes from Sixpence None the Richer, Butterfly Boucher, and more, available free for a limited time. ›Deck the halls Must-Have Holiday Music CDs We've lowered prices on holiday music, greatest hits, deluxe editions, and box set CDs. You'll find hundreds of choices in our Music Gift Store across many different genres. ›Shop our Music Gift Store now MP3 Playlists: Hanukkah Hits Light a candle, spin your dreidel, and explore this playlist of festive Hanukkah hits. ›Get festive Bestsellers MP3 Downloads : MP3 Holiday Store MP3 Albums - Updated hourly Play all samples Now playing Now playing: Sample 1. The 99 Most Essential Christmas Masterpieces (Amazon… ›Various Artists | Format: MP3 Download $1.99 Sample 2. I Wish You A Merry Christmas ›Bing Crosby | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 3. Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album ›Glee Cast | Format: MP3 Download $9.99 Sample 4. Christmas With The Rat Pack ›Rat Pack | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 5. Noel ›Josh Groban | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 6. A Christmas Cornucopia ›Annie Lennox | Format: MP3 Download $4.99 Sample 7. Gold And Green ›Sugarland | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 8. Let It Snow! (Bonus Live Track) ›Michael Bublé | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 9. A Charlie Brown Christmas [Expanded] ›Vince Guaraldi Trio | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 10. A Christmas Together ›John Denver & The Muppets | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 ›See all bestsellers in MP3 Holiday Store Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25) Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25)

二哥 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

amazon.com MP3 Holiday Store Get into the Holiday spirit with the Nettwerk Holiday Sampler 2010 featuring Christmas tunes from Sixpence None the Richer, Butterfly Boucher, and more, available free for a limited time. ›Deck the halls Must-Have Holiday Music CDs We've lowered prices on holiday music, greatest hits, deluxe editions, and box set CDs. You'll find hundreds of choices in our Music Gift Store across many different genres. ›Shop our Music Gift Store now MP3 Playlists: Hanukkah Hits Light a candle, spin your dreidel, and explore this playlist of festive Hanukkah hits. ›Get festive Bestsellers MP3 Downloads : MP3 Holiday Store MP3 Albums - Updated hourly Play all samples Now playing Now playing: Sample 1. The 99 Most Essential Christmas Masterpieces (Amazon… ›Various Artists | Format: MP3 Download $1.99 Sample 2. I Wish You A Merry Christmas ›Bing Crosby | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 3. Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album ›Glee Cast | Format: MP3 Download $9.99 Sample 4. Christmas With The Rat Pack ›Rat Pack | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 5. Noel ›Josh Groban | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 Sample 6. A Christmas Cornucopia ›Annie Lennox | Format: MP3 Download $4.99 Sample 7. Gold And Green ›Sugarland | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 8. Let It Snow! (Bonus Live Track) ›Michael Bublé | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 9. A Charlie Brown Christmas [Expanded] ›Vince Guaraldi Trio | Format: MP3 Download $5.99 Sample 10. A Christmas Together ›John Denver & The Muppets | Format: MP3 Download $5.00 ›See all bestsellers in MP3 Holiday Store Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25) Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25)

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In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25) Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Amazon phil jasner ,ron paul wikileaks ,adrian beltre ,unemployment benefits ,chrome 8 ,bernie sanders ,audi a6 ,food safety bill ,uga admissions ,real estate investors 100 Greatest Jazz Artists of All Time 100 Greatest Live Albums 100 Greatest World Music Albums of All Time Amazon Homepage Apparel & Accessories Electronics Electronics Holiday Kindle MP3 Downloads Music & Entertainment 50 MP3 Albums, $5 Each Amazon 3D 101 Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Amazon MP3 Free Songs & Special Deals Amazon Shorts Amazon Video On Demand AmazonWireless Automotive Baby Baby Registry Back to School/Off to College Beauty Books Car Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Accessories Contractor Supply Create Your Own Ring DVD Earth Day Endless.com Father's Day Game Downloads Gourmet Food Green Grocery Halloween Harry Potter Health & Personal Care Holiday Toy List Home & Garden Home Audio & Home Theater Homepage Links Industrial & Scientific Jewelry Kindle

Kindle Reading Apps Kitchen & Housewares Magazine Subscriptions Mother's Day Motorcycle & ATV

Music Musical Instruments New Year Office & School Supplies Outdoor Recreation Outlet Patio, Lawn & Garden Pets Pools, Spas, & Supplies SchoolRewards

Shoes SmallParts.com Software Sports & Outdoors Super Saver Shipping Textbooks Tools & Hardware Toys & Games Valentine's Day Video Games Watches Wedding Registry


In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon Digital Services. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 6? Order it in the next 14 hours and 30 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Includes Free 3G Wireless: No monthly payments, no annual contracts. Download books anywhere, anytime. Learn more. 2,032 of 2,075 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Not the perfect "do-it-all" device, but very close to being the perfect e-reading device!, August 26, 2010 By C. Vincent (Rochester, NY) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) This review is from: Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation (Electronics) I woke up to a nice surprise this morning: a new kindle as a gift. I have an iPad and a Kindle DX, but I guess someone heard my complaints of them being too heavy and difficult to do extended-reading on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my iPad and DX, but this new generation of Kindle is perfect for reading outside and for long periods of time. The iPad gets completely washed out in sunlight and often irritates my eyes staring at it for more than a couple of hours. The DX was my go-to device for those extended/outdoor reading periods, but now I have a new friend for reading novels. Instead of a replacement, this one seems more like a companion to the other devices and is a different class. The iPad works great for web browsing, shopping, productivity, games, etc while the Kindle falls short in those areas. The Kindle works great for reading novels, where the iPad falls short. For those that love to do extended-reading of magazines, newspapers, research articles, etc, I find that the DX is the go-to device. Without a doubt, the size and weight of the new kindle is the biggest draw for me. It's smaller than the last edition by a significant margin. I've played around with the Kindle 2 and was impressed, but now looking at the size of the new Kindle, I'm blown away. It's the absolute perfect size. Smaller would be unmanageable and larger wouldn't feel nearly as good. This is a device that you can hold up, read, and just forget that it's there. Compared to other e-readers I've tried, it's much smaller and much lighter. One of my biggest complaints about the previous generation Kindles and the DX is the speed. It sometimes takes a while after you push `next page' for it to actually change. In addition, the web browsing feature was so slow and clunky that it is really unusable in my opinion. Two additions to the new Kindle have helped attenuate these issues. First, the pages do flip quicker (albeit, still slow in my opinion), and the addition of wifi has allowed faster connection for wireless activities (much better than only relying on 3G). I still can't see myself using the Kindle as an internet browsing tool or really doing much online aside from purchasing reading material, but the faster connection at least opens up the possibility - something that would only frustrate me on previous editions. The new Kindle also offers a better contrast than previous editions and it looks fantastic compared to every other e-reader I have seen. I have no trouble seeing the screen in dim light or in bright sunlight - it really opens up the ability to read almost anywhere you are. Of course, you'll still need a separate light for extremely dark areas. Another big addition to the Kindle 3 is that it offers double the storage compared to Kindle 2. I've never had a problem with the amount of storage since I can't possibly see myself filling up that much space (I don't put mp3's on it), but perhaps in the future, if certain applications or media files are put on the kindle, it could have been a problem. The additional space in the new model is definitely a welcome addition, but bringing back the memory card slot that was included on Kindle 1 would have been an even more welcome addition in my opinion. Among e-readers, I definitely recommend the Kindle 3 if not just because it has a better size/form-factor, contrast, battery life, and speed compared to every other e-reader I have tried. On top of that, you get the wonderful amazon buying experience and selection for all your literature and can keep your kindle library intact between whatever other device you want to download a Kindle application onto. The question of whether you need a Kindle vs another type of device for reading becomes a little more tricky and really comes down to what you want to use it for. Do you want a device to read novels on, perhaps read outside, and have something very light that you almost forget it's there? Buy the Kindle. Do you want something to lie in bed with for short periods of time while surfing the web? I might suggest going with the iPad, a different tablet, or a netbook. Do you already have a Kindle 1 or 2? That's a tough one.... I don't think the new edition has enough `new' to it to warrant the upgrade in my mind, but some might value the new size and wifi capabilities even more-so than I do. For me, the new Kindle was a welcome addition to my family of devices since I didn't have anything anywhere near its form factor and convenience. Should you get 3G + Wifi or just Wifi? I think this question can be answered simply by asking yourself if you travel a lot. Being able to buy books and access wireless content on the road is an indispensable option and well worth the extra money in my mind. Keeping the device mainly at home or near wifi hotspots really negates the need for 3G though. Overall, I have to give the Kindle a 5 star rating because it does what it was designed to do very well, and in my opinion better than any of the competition. While the new features and capabilities aren't game-changing and truly outstanding, it is smaller, more capable, and better than any other e-reader out there. If you want `one device to handle it all', this isn't the place to look, but If you want a fantastic device solely for reading books, this is what you want. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (25)

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